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Région du Jura bernois Durée indéterminée 100 %

Team Leader Visual Merchandising

735 vues

Job Watch vous propose cette opportunité.

Pour voir l'intégralité de la description de l'offre, connectez-vous à votre compte Job Watch ou inscrivez-vous, c'est gratuit !

your missions

  • Lead the visual merchandising team and manage the brand’s global visual merchandising for corporate stores, wholesalers and temporary installations
  • Create and update the visual merchandising strategy for all new retail concepts and POS types, including lead of product display strategy and visual merchandising guidelines for all standard POS types and new store concepts
  • Manage the conception and creation of window deco solutions, including testing/prototyping and implementing special projects
  • Direct continuous training to all Longines markets on a global level
  • Lead the creation of visual merchandising guidelines & POS material launch kits dedicated to campaigns and ensure their correct implementation, including support to markets worldwide
  • Contribute to the creation & development of new long-term materials and specific displays, including follow-up of the production with suppliers and procurement team
  • Coordinate creative or design visual merchandising projects with internal and external resources
  • Provide support in exhibition setups for internal meetings and public events, including project development, budget handling, organization, coordination and implementation on-site
  • Manage visual merchandising budgets
  • Maintain and further develop a network with suppliers
  • Follow current trends on visual merchandising and propose relevant ideas

your Profile

  • Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Visual Merchandising, Interior Design, Architecture or a related field
  • Proven experience (5+ years) in visual merchandising in a fast-moving international retail environment or design studio
  • Strong understanding of the watch and fashion industries and their trends is a plus
  • Experience in leading a diverse team
  • Excellent organizational and communication skills
  • Excellent knowledge of Adobe CC Suite (Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign)
  • Knowledge of SketchUp, AutoCAD or equivalent
  • Please submit a portfolio of your work along with your application.
  • Please submit a portfolio of your work along with your application.

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Depuis plus de 12 ans, Job Watch est un gage de qualité particulièrement apprécié par les recruteurs. Plus de 450 entreprises des domaines de l’horlogerie et de la microtechnique nous font confiance pour trouver leurs futurs talents.

Pour accéder au contenu complet de nos offres d’emploi et transmettre votre candidature, connectez-vous à votre compte ou inscrivez-vous sur jobwatch.ch.

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