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Data Scientist Intern

243 vues

Job Watch vous propose cette opportunité.

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Your missions

  • Perform a literature review to ensure that your work is scientifically grounded and at the forefront of innovation
  • Discuss findings and algorithm design with the rest of the team
  • Develop a robust and scalable product that satisfies the business needs
  • Evaluate its performance and collaborate with the business team
  • Release your algorithm into production with our machine learning engineers

Your profile

  • MSc in Data Science, Mathematics, Computer Science, or equivalent quantitative fields 
  • Scientific mindset: rigor in experimentation and a strong interest in developing state-of-the-art models 
  • Solid theoretical background in statistics and machine learning 
  • Strong Python and SQL programming skills 
  • Proficiency with standard ML/Bayesian frameworks (PyTorch, TensorFlow, Scikit-Learn, PyMC, etc.) and data processing libraries 
  • Excellent communication skills 
  • Team player, self-motivated and fast learner 
  • Several projects and/or internship experience in data science
  • Experience in the luxury sector
  • Experience with Google Cloud Platform (VertexAI, BigQuery, etc.)
  • Experience with git and GitHub
  • Experience with Docker

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