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Demand & Supply Planner, POSM

260 vues

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Your mission

  • In this wide and demanding position, both hands-on and project-oriented, you will be responsible for demand planning in collaboration with Visual merchandising team and markets. You will also be responsible for developing, challenging and executing the corresponding supply plans.
  • You will also manage the stock distribution form the suppliers to regional distribution centers.
  • Your core objectives will be to enable Cartier to meet its sales, stocks and service objectives.

Your profile

  • You have at least 2-3 years of experience in a Supply Chain Position within an international company. 
  • You have knowledge of forecast methods and usual key performance indicators on sales and stocks and robust analytical and mathematical abilities. 
  • You are data-driven, are not afraid to build your own reports and dashboards to take decisions and are able to positively challenge your business partners. 
  • An extensive expertise in Excel (PowerPivot or PowerBI a plus) is mandatory, an experience using any ERP and statistical software packages would be an asset. Some knowledge of Anaplan would also be an asset.
  • You have a master degree in engineering, mathematics or any equivalent diploma and you are fluent in French and English.

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